Book two in Australia: a personal story series

After a difficult beginning, during the 19th century Australia transformed
itself from the worst country in the world to a country to be reckoned with.
This book is about my great great grandfather George Matcham Pitt – Mary Pitt’s grandson – whose life spanned the best part of that century. A larger than life character with a booming voice and a fondness for quoting from classic poets, GM, as he was known, began as a farmer on the Hawkesbury and went on to become an auctioneer, landowner and founder of one of Australia’s first and best-known stock and station agents, Pitt, Son & Badgery. Friend to everyone bar politicians, GM had close family contacts with Aboriginal people and even closer connections with convicts.
As with my first book, A Country To Be Reckoned With chronicles the colony’s development through the eyes of one its early pioneers. A man of powerful personality and generosity, strong and – to modern sensibilities – not always palatable opinions and a total lack of inhibition when it came to expressing them.
It’s the story of an extraordinary country of squatters and swagmen, battlers, chancers, explorers and entrepreneurs, and their often troubled relationship with the indigenous people. And all of it told, with wonder and curiosity – and humility – by a Pom living in London.
‘This is an accessible approach to history and aims for a wide readership of those who want more than dry history and facts. It is often written in the first person as Patsy creates characters and imaginary conversations in order to shine a light on periods of time in colonial life when so little is known . . .This book contains the stories of people to be reckoned with, along with the country itself. Good Australian stories.’
Descent magazine (Society of Australian Genealogists)
‘This version of her family history is a most entertaining and well-written publication. Author Patsy Trench has made it clear what her factual sources are, and where her imagination has filled the gaps, with comprehensive references and chapter notes.’
History magazine (Royal Australian Historical Society)
Click here to read a sample chapter
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Click here to hear me talking about A Country on ABC Radio Tamworth.
Available as an ebook on Amazon, Kobo, Nook and Apple
and in paperback at Amazon, Waterstones, Foyles,
Angus & Robertson & Booktopia